Maybe TS Eliot Was Wrong (or maybe not) ~ Day Twenty-Five

April is unpredictable.
I wouldn’t say it’s cruel.
Not predictably cruel.
But there is so often a squall of hail
when ice falls down from the sky
in a sudden ferocious burst
that makes everyone run for cover
and hide in sheltering doors.
It just as suddenly stops
followed by bright spring sun –
after it’s flattened the tulips
and the crocus are thoroughly squashed.

No, not cruel, not too cold,
but it makes wet fools of us all.

Day Four ~ Furled umbrella

I went shopping today.

I crossed that street we crossed together,

The one close to the river

and the theatre.

You remember that day we met there?

It was cold and wet then

Just as it was today.

I went to the same cafe

and bought a coffee for one.

I hope for your return.

There is no promise you will come.

These days I wait for the sun

but hang on to my furled umbrella.